Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pregnancy update: 24 weeks

Hi. It's been awhile since I last wrote something here. I am now 24 weeks pregnant and a lot has happened. In my pregnancy journey, I got to talk to a lot of women online about their TTC and pregnancy journey. It feels so much better having other women to talk to that are going through the same things.

I joined lots of forums so I get educated about pregnancy and motherhood.

Anyway, here are the things that have taken place in my pregnancy:

1. My blood sugar is now under control. I have been taking insulin since April and have been on a diet for the most part. However, I have occasional cheat days. Hehehe.

2. At 14 weeks, we found out we're having a baby boy.

3. At 16 weeks, I was diagnosed with placenta previa totalis. I had to take meds to calm my uterus and remain on bed rest.

4. At 18 weeks, my baby measured 5 days behind so my doctor replaced my pre-natal vitamins with amino acid vitamins. I started drinking maternal milk.

I also started buying things for my baby and bought a crib and stroller online. :)

5. At 20 weeks, my baby's size has improved. I also did the congenital anomaly scan and thank God, everything is perfect with my baby boy. :)

6. At 22 weeks, my placenta has moved up a bit and is now classified as placenta previa partialis.

I will be going in for another check up on August 8. I hope my placenta is high-lying by then and that my baby is still looking perfect. :)

I will try to update this blog as often as possible to document the remaining 14-16 weeks of my pregnancy.

By the way, this is his gender scan.

And these are his things. :)

That's his awesome great grandfather so eager at assembling the crib! 

This is gonna be his ride.

These are the things I bought for him as well as the things I asked my friends to buy for me 
and some of their gifts,