Friday, April 2, 2010

I must be on the road to success...

The first quarter of this year has just ended and I feel like I want to start a new life - something different and exciting, something more challenging. I have always stayed within my comfort zone because I was afraid to get hurt by stepping out of it. With my recent trips, I realized there's just so much more to experience. So much more to conquer, and if I don't start now, I won't be able to experience the world fully. To do this, I need resources and support - encouragement that I'd be able to succeed.

I have set too many boundaries before and now I'm taking them down. I know there's just so much more out there and I wanna prepare myself for the big change. I'm not a little girl anymore so I wanna be free. I know it's sad and it can get frustrating at times but you gotta do what you gotta do. People ought to take some chances at some point, otherwise their lives will be filled with nothing but regret. Wishing they had done it but chose not to. I don't wanna have any regrets. I wanna live fully. I wanna do so many things and I think there won't be much time left if I keep this up.

Many will question me for this decision, but hey, this isn't final yet. Things can change within this year - we've gone through only 1/4 of it. The rest is up to God. I know he'll take me places because I deserve it. Clearly, I know it's gonna be a difficult journey to success but I'm willing to sacrifice because I'm sure that I will reap countless rewarding experiences afterwards.

No one ever chooses the path to failure, but somehow, along the road to success, you lose your way and end up sobbing because life turned out to be that hard and swept you away to the other side leaving you helpless and empty-handed. I really hope this doesn't happen to me.