Monday, October 3, 2016

Fetal 2d echo - continued; other updates

I went back for my baby's 2d echo part 2 on September 24th and he was more behaved during the scan. I told the doctor it's because my hubby was with me and that our baby is scared of his daddy. :) The doctor was able to check everything else which turned out normal however, she wasn't able to view the pulmonary artery due to the unfavorable position of the baby and his age.

The fetal 2d echo is supposed to be done at 27-29 weeks and I was already 30 weeks and 6 days on Part 1 and 31 weeks and 2 days on Part 2. I just hope and pray that everything is fine with my baby's pulmonary artery.

During my last check-up at 32 weeks, he was already weighing about 4 lbs or 1,793 grams. :) He also had a perfect score on his BPS/BPP.

Due to my pre-term labor scare at 28 weeks and 6 days, my new ob advised me to inject steroids (betamethasone) for my baby's lung maturity. In effect, my blood sugar levels were elevated for a week. I'm so glad it's back to normal levels now.

My next check-up will be this coming Thursday at exactly 33 weeks. My doctor will be injecting tetanus toxoid in preparation for my delivery. Another big needle encounter!!! I'm not afraid of small needles though.

I can't believe how fast time flew by. It's October now so I can finally say, I'm giving birth next month!!! :)

1 comment:

Delhi Fetal Heart Center said...

Thanks for sharing! Delhi Fetal Heart Center is a specialized fetal echocardiography center in New Delhi doing fetal echo test at a reasonable rate. This test is done to assess the heart structure of the unborn to diagnose heart abnormalities with unborn.