I never thought this day would come, me writing this blog, telling the whole world that my husband and I have successfully created a human being: our most awaited bundle of joy. Let me run through the whole shebang so I don't forget a thing.
Remember I did the IUI in March 4. I started peeing on sticks since day 7-12 and got negatives. I stopped myself from buying pregnancy tests for days 13 and 14. On day 15, which is day one of my missed period, I decided to test again and got the lightest second line ever to the point that you really have to squint to see something. I thought to myself that maybe it's just my eyes playing tricks on me or maybe I am just going crazy. I texted my doctor's secretary about it and she told me to test again later that day and to come in after two days for a check up. I took a test in the evening of the same day with a more expensive test but it was negative. I was devastated.
I texted the secretary again and said it was negative but she was so positive telling me to test again tomorrow morning and for sure I will get 2 lines. I didn't feel hopeful. My body is telling me that my period is about to come. I tested again the following day with a cheaper test and saw another ghost line. I want to call it that because I feel like it's only me who sees it. But when I asked my hubby to take a look, he said he sees something too.
Still, I didn't think it was a legit BFP (big fat positive) so I bought a huge pack of sanitary napkin because I really felt that my period is coming anytime soon. However, I bought three more pregnancy tests to test with the next morning.
I had vivid dreams that night. I dreamed I had gotten real BFPs and that I am finally pregnant, til my alarm clock went off. I was so disappointed, I really thought it was real. So I got up, peed and tested right away using 2 tests. This time, I saw clearer lines than the ghost-like ones but I still wasn't sure. I thought maybe they were just lightly colored evaporation lines. I wanted to see my blood test results which was scheduled to be released at 2pm of the same day but was taken a day ago.
I went to the doctor, curiously waited for my turn and refreshed the online results page for my blood test results. Finally, it came through and it was POSITIVE!!! I couldn't believe my eyes and said OMG OMG OMG and ran all the way to the waiting room where my husband was.
We were so happy because the blood test was more reassuring than a urine test. When my turn came, the doctor checked my lining and said that it was consistent with pregnancy. She told me that we still can't see the baby this early at only 4 weeks 4 days but she asked me to come back after two weeks for another ultrasound.
We are over the moon. I still can't believe that our first IUI worked as I have read a lot of failed ones. I thank the Lord profusely because none of this would be possible if He did not give the go signal. I love you, God! To my doctor, I love you too. Thank you for making my dreams come true.
We have not yet announced it on Facebook but we have told quite a lot of our close friends already, people at work and of course, our family. Now praying for a healthy baby. Baby dust to everyone! If it happened to me, it can happen to anyone. So never give up and keep the faith, it's all you can do, REALLY. :)