okay. i'm really really extremely sorry i hit your car - or so it seems
i didn't hurt anyone (aside from the feelings of the owner of that car who probably knows now that someone hit his car which happens to be parked at the worst place he could have thought of)
i was backing and i didn't see it. wow! it was right there and i didn't notice it - well, until i heard my car smash against something!
we didn't even look back. my mom said we had to leave the scene right away so no one could get a glimpse of my plate number - oh yes, it's my plate number once again, always the culprit. hahaha
i immediately checked out the damage of my car and i found something really noticeable. i was like wtf? how hard was it? did i ruin that other person's car that bad? or even worse?
i was freaking out. then ate laida told me that the damage on my car which i thought was caused by my carelessness was made by adjie. (he didn't even bother to let me know, what a ****?!!!) ate laida said that while my car was silently parked inside the garage, my brother was trying to park the van and he hit my car coz he was supposedly drunk that morning. she said the whole thing has been there since december. wtf? i didn't even notice it at all.
so i guess, i never really hit a car. but i ran away. i was really scared. i checked out my car if i had any other new damages (ha! i have a lot you know), and i found out there were none, so i was thinking, what was that that i hit? was it just a piece of can lying around? i dunno - really.
i'm just hoping i didn't really hit someone else's car. if i did, i'm so sorry i was too chicken-sh*t to run away. i know i'm a girl and all but that's no excuse. i should know how to drive carefully. but i must admit, i can be a crazy driver most of the time.
so drive safely girls and boys! :)